My Stories
Thoughts and ramblings about travel and photography!

The ancestral virtue of the unsung heroes living in paradise
The smell of fresh baked, still warm, delicious homemade donuts fills the air and there’s a newfound passion for each of us. As we’re sharing the seemingly bottomless cauldron of heavenly delicacies around the campfire, the old lady continues her stories about life in this remote corner of the mountains…

You either want to make it your home or run away cursing!
You either love or hate Naples… There is no middle way or any gray nuance when you step for the first time on its chaotic streets. Even the gods weren’t able to decide when they created this astonishing place, but still cursed it to always live with the menacing shadow of a disaster that could swallow the heavenly bay.

Unraveling the aura and legends of ageless Istanbul
Thousands and thousands of travelers rush by as the muezzin breaks the constant humming of the crowds with its thundering voice, calling Muslims to prayer. You sit there, in what seems to be the center of the Universe, surrounded by voices and faces, smells and colors that you’ve never seen together…